Berkeley NanoLab Affiliate (BNLA) MembershipNew Member Form
Researchers from the private sector, national labs (including Sandia and Lawrence Livermore), and non-academic organizations are eligible for Affiliate membership. Annual capacity fee is required, with lab fees additional for each individual. Capacity and Lab fees are invoiced monthly. Note that for Affiliates, an overhead fee is added to all member charges except the annual capacity fee. Please direct membership eligibility questions to Sharon Norris.
How to Become a BNLA Member
- Evaluate the NanoLab capabilities. The NanoLab Equipment, Process, and Process Specification Manuals are available for review on the NanoLab website.
- Determine eligibility by discussing proposed research and laboratory needs with NanoLab Executive Director Michael Helmbrecht, who will review the compatibility of your project with the NanoLab’s capabilities. Once your proposed research is approved you may apply for lab membership.
STEP 1: Attend Orientation Course
Once membership evaluation is reviewed and eligibility confirmed, the company employee(s) that will work in the lab registers to attend the mandatory NanoLab Orientation Course. There is no charge to attend. Due to the COVID-19 situation, the NanoLab is no longer able to hold in person Orientations. NanoLab staff are overhauling our Orientation Class so that all information can be presented remotely. This is a major undertaking which we expect to be completed by the end of August, 2020.
STEP 2: Establish Contract Agreement and Provide Proof of Insurance
Industry researchers not currently affiliated with UC Berkeley must abide by the guidelines set with the Contract agreement. The contract agreement includes: Contract Template, COVID-19 Addendum, Schedule A (Scope of Work), Schedule B (user agreement), and the Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risks Form. Note that the template agreement is an already approved university contract which enables expedited access to the NanoLab. Requests for revision to the contract require review by University General Counsel and will result in extended delay of your ability to access the lab.
The UC Regents requires Liability Insurance coverage for all users of the lab. Insurance guidelines and a sample insurance certificate are available here.
STEP 3: New Member Form and Training Compliance
When you are ready to activate your NanoLab account, the company employee(s) that will work in the lab complete and sign New Member Form. The form must include billing information (purchase-order number), the contact information and signature of your company’s authorized administrator. NanoLab Financial Analyst Eric Chu is the point of contact for all purchase orders.
To access to UCB campus and University buildings, company employee(s) that will work in the NanoLab must complete UC Berkeley’s EHS 101 Fundamentals of Laboratory Safety and EHS 207 Guidelines on Protecting Workers from COVID-19 online training. Screen grab the completion certification at the end of each training to provide with your new member form. We found that Firefox is usually the best browser to use for these online courses, and it is best to clear the browser cache before beginning the online course. Also required, read UC Berkeley's COVID-19 Health and Safety Guide for Returning to the Workplace (sign and date page 19).
Once your New Member Form is complete, forward it along with copies of training completion certificates (in PDF format) and the signed/dated copy of page 19 of the Returning to the Workplace Guide by email to Admin Staff. Include in this email the name of another researcher from your group that already has NanoLab access and can serve as your start up mentor. If you do not know of any other researcher from you group with an active NanoLab account that can serve in this role, let us know and someone will be assigned to you. Once received, your information will be entered into the Mercury database. Within 24-hours an e-mail will be sent to you, inviting you to finalize your account set up and take the NanoLab Safety Test online.
STEP 4: Take the NanoLab Safety Test
Once we receive New Member email and required training certificates, an account will be created in NanoLab's database. Within 24-hours each new member receives an email inviting them to bring a photo ID to the NanoLab front office (Sutardja Dai Hall, suite 520) and finalize NanoLab account activation. Once identitiy is verified, the Computer Systems Manager, Olek Proskurowski will assist you to set up password and initial log in.
The NanoLab Front Office is open from 8:00-12:00PM and 1:00-5:00PM, Monday through Friday (closed during the lunch hour).
Once account is fully set up, the Mercury system will require you to take and pass the NanoLab Safety Test. This test takes approx. 1-hour to complete. You can take the test right after setting up password by using one of the available computer terminals at the front office, or at anytime by logging into MercuryWeb from any computer.
STEP 5: Begin Your Membership
Your lab membership begins once you pass the NanoLab Safety Test. You will receive a card-key to access the Sutardja Dai Hall building and the Nanofabrication Laboratory 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Billing is on a 30-day cycle and begins on the 25th of each month.
STEP 6: Become Certified on Lab Equipment
You must become qualified on each piece of equipment you use. Affiliate and academic lab members support each other by providing other lab members with training and testing in their areas of expertise. To become certified on a piece of lab equipment, you must pass any required written test as well as an oral testing conducted by a superuser of that equipment. Manuals and procedures are available online for study.
Affiliate Member Capacity Fee (AMCF)
Effective June 25, 2020
Employees per Member Company |
Annual AMCF |
FY 2021 |
1 employee |
$18,500 |
2 employees |
$28,500 |
3 employees |
$38,500 |
4 employees |
$42,500 |
5 employees |
$55,000 |
6 employees |
$65,000 |
BSAC, CITRIS Foundry member and LBL Cyclotron Road companies receive a $6,500 discount for the first employee.
UC overhead charge does not apply to annual AMCF.
Affiliate Lab Recharge Rates
Effective June 25, 2020
Lab Use and Equipment Use Fees |
FY 2021 |
Lab Access Fee/Month |
$130.00 |
General Lab Rate Use/Hour General Lab Rate Max/Month |
$54.00 $2,500.00 |
Tier 1 Special Equipment Rate Use/Hour |
$21.60 |
Tier 2 Special Equipment Rate Use/Hour |
$55.20 |
Tier 3 DUV and E-beam Nanolithography,
Staff Services/Hour |
$90.60 |
UC Overhead Fee: 59% Charged on all usage fees, but not on the annual capacity fee.