Academic Membership to the Berkeley NanoLabNew Member Form 

Any graduate student, post-doc, visiting scholar, faculty, staff, or LBNL researcher is eligible for Academic membership. If the funding is through a UC source, no additional overhead is charged. If funding is through a non-UC institution, a 9% UC Berkeley AFC (Administrative Full Costing) fee is charged on all external funds. If funding is through an industry source, member is eligible for Affiliate membership. Undergraduates are eligible only under the mentorship of an active member, who must directly supervise and physically accompany the undergraduate while in the lab. Please direct membership eligibility questions to NanoLab Administrative Manager Sharon Norris.

 How to Become an Academic Member


STEP 1:  Attend the Orientation Course

The NanoLab has established an online procedure in place of our monthly NanoLab Orientation Course class for new academic lab members. Detailed instructions are below. There are several steps, and you must complete them all.

STEP 2:  New Member Form and Training Compliance

Complete and sign the New Member Form. The form must include the billing information by a campus chartstring (aka: Chart of Account (COA)) for UC Berkeley, an IUT (Intra University Transfer) for LNBL, or a Purchase Order for any learning institution that is not a University of California campus (AKA: non-UC University). The form must be signed by the your research faculty/Principal Investigator’s authorized administrator. NanoLab Financial Analyst Eric Chu is the point of contact for campus chartstring, IUTs and POs.

All lab members are required to have completed UC Berkeley’s EHS 101 Fundamentals of Laboratory Safety online training available through UC Learning Center. To access to UCB campus and University buildings, UC Berkeley also requires EHS 207 Guidelines on Protecting Workers from COVID-19 and UC Berkeley COVID 19 Health and Safety Guide for Returning to the Workplace (BE-COVID-2020) to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 in the workplace.

In addition, EHS 502 Workplace Safety Training is required of all Berkeley staff and students. If you have completed these trainings previously, provide copies of completion certificates.

Once your New Member Form is completed and signed, email it along with copies of your training completion certificate(s) to Admin Staff. Include in this email the name of another researcher from your group that already has NanoLab access and can serve as your start up mentor. If you do not know of any other researcher from you group with an active NanoLab account that can serve in this role, let us know and someone will be assigned to you. Once received, your information will be entered into the Mercury database. Within 24-hours you will receive an email inviting you to come to the NanoLab's front office (Sutardja Dai Hall, suite 520) and finalize account activation. You must bring with you valid photo identification (preferably your Cal 1 Card). Once identity is verified, the Computer Systems Manager, Olek Proskurowski will assist you to set up password and initial log in.

The NanoLab Front Office is open from 8:00-12:00PM and 1:00-5:00PM, Monday through Friday (closed during the lunch hour).

STEP 3: Take the NanoLab Safety Test

Once account is fully set up, the Mercury system will require you to take and pass the NanoLab Safety Test. This test takes approx. 1-hour to complete. You can take the test right after setting up password by using one of the available computer terminals at the front office, or at anytime by logging into MercuryWeb from any computer.

Also required once membership is established, read Chapter 1.2 (CHP19 Hygiene Plan) of the NanoLab Equipment Manual. Login to MercuryWeb and at the Bottom Right "Portal" under Tests and Quizzes, enter "chp19" in the box adjacent to Online Test / Quiz - and take the chp19 test.

STEP 4:  Begin Your Membership

Your lab membership begins once you pass the NanoLab Safety Test.  You will then be automatically qualified to access the NanoLab.  Your official campus ID (Cal 1 Card) will be set up for card-key access to the Sutardja Dai Hall building and the Nanofabrication Laboratory 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. If you are an external academic member or LBNL employee a separate card-key will be provided.  

STEP 5:  Become Certified on Lab Equipment

You must become qualified on each piece of equipment you use.  Academic and affiliate lab members support each other by providing other lab members with training and testing in their areas of expertise. To become certified on a piece of lab equipment, you must pass any required written test as well as an oral testing conducted by a superuser of that equipment. Manuals and procedures are available online for study.


Academic Lab Recharge Rates

Effective June 25, 2020

Lab Use and Equipment Use Fees

FY 2021

Lab Access Fee/Month


General Lab Rate Use/Hour

General Lab Rate Max/Month



Tier 1 Special Equipment Rate Use/Hour

Special Equipment Rate Max/Month



Tier 2 Special Equipment Rate Use/Hour

Special Equipment Rate Max/Month




Rate over Tier 2 cap: $5.90/hour

Tier 3 DUV and E-beam Nanolithography,
High Performance SEM/Hour

DUV and E-beam Nanolithography,
High Performance SEM Rate Max/Month




Rate over Tier 3 cap: $19.50/hour

Staff Services/Hour


