Microlab's last tool moved to NanoLab!
May 27, 2011

The last tool, centura, was moved from Cory Hall this week.
The equipment move from Cory Hall is complete!
We now focus on the establishment of stable and steadily improving operations.
My goal is NOT to just move an impressive collection of complex research equipment,
but also transfer, preserve and enhance a unique culture of cooperation and creativity.
Your careful attention to all policies & procedures, and respect & support of each other's work are critical to our success.
I look forward to reviewing a clean and well-cared for laboratory after the long weekend.
– Bill Flounders, Operations and
Technology Manager
Microlab's MEMS-Exchange Network
support continues in the Marvell NanoLab
May 20, 2010

– Sia Parsa, Process Engineering Manager
CMOS-Quality Gate Oxides Verify Integrity
of NanoLab Utility Systems and Furnaces
March 8, 2010
Tystar oxidation furnaces were qualified and released
for lab-member use last week. The qualification tests not
only demonstrate furnace performance, but also verify
excellent contamination control in a number of lab
systems. CMOS-quality gate oxides were grown with a
silicon-silicon dioxide interface charge density in the low
10 e10/cm2 level, as required for most microelectronic
devices. Contamination control to this level also
demonstrates the cleanliness of the
new Wafab
wet-process stations used for pre-furnace cleans, and
validates the integrity of the lab-wide oxygen, nitrogen,
and deionized water systems.
– Sia Parsa, NanoLab Process Manager
Combined Lab Orientation for New Members
January 22, 2010
The Microlab held its first combined
orientation class with the NanoLab last week. This class
qualified 20 researchers to work in both the Cory Hall
Microlab and the Sutardja Dai Hall Marvell NanoLab. All
new-member orientations will provide this
dual-laboratory introduction and safety training. Current
Microlab members who need access to a tool that has already
moved to the Marvell Lab can take
NanoLab-only orientation .
NanoLab Qualification Completed by 1/3 of
Active Microlab Members
December 21, 2009

LEO Online with Improved Performance
December 18, 2009
Though Zeiss servicing took longer
than expected, the Leo electron microscope upgrade is
complete. LEO and Hummer, its associated sample-coating
sputter tool, have been released for general use in the
Marvell Lab. LEO performance has improved significantly,
and the new dial controls for image adjustment are more
Lam7 and Tystar Moves Scheduled for January
December 07, 2009

The Tystar furnaces (right) are being phased in next month. Bank 1 is targeted for the week of January 11, Banks 4 and 5 by the end of January, and Bank 3 soon after.
LEO SEM Move and Upgrade Completed
December 07, 2009
The LEO SEM was successfully moved to
the Marvell NanoLab, and is expected to be ready for
labmember use by Thursday, December 10. As part of the
move, Zeiss field service performed an extensive hardware
and software upgrade that includes new control electronics
for scan, video matrix, and optical functions. The upgrade
includes new scan and optic coils that replace the current
column windings. Tip and apertures have also been replaced
and an upgraded secondary electron detector
installed. Significant improvement in LEO performance and
reliability is expected.
Marvell NanoLab Open for Research
October 26, 2009

— Bill Flounders, Manager, Marvell
Lab Telephone System—Installed and Ready
September 11, 2009

— Phill Guillory, NanoLab
Projects Manager
Mercury v1.0—The New Wave of the Wand
August 24, 2009

Mercury v1.0, our custom lab database
system that is the successor to the Microlab's Wand
software, was released last week for use in the
NanoLab. Designed utilizing 25 years of Microlab operations
experience, Mercury will provide researchers and staff with
powerful GUI tools to insert and analyze operational
data. The Microlab will continue to use the existing
— Todd Merport, NanoLab
Computer Systems Manager
New Heatpulse RTP Tool
August 14, 2009
The Marvell NanoLab obtained its first
200mm-capable thermal processing tool, which will enable
uninterrupted RTP access while the Microlab's Heatpulse
systems are deinstalled and moved. This benchtop tool was
built by AllWin21 , the exclusive licensee of
Heatpulse RTP designs.
First Tool Move to be Crestec Lithography
August 7, 2009

The first tool to be relocated from
the old to the new lab will be
the Crestec ebeam lithography
system. Lab researchers will receive at least four weeks
notice prior to tool shutdown and movement. Crestec
engineers will support this move to ensure a smooth and
rapid restart.
Lam1 is Retired
August 7, 2009

New Wet-Processing Sinks Arrive
July 31, 2009

During July, we received our first
batch of new sinks
from WAFAB
International . Though some of the existing lab
sinks will move, the new sinks provide redundancy for
critical wet processing, and ensure uninterrupted access
to research processes such as manual-resist spinning and
resist stripping.
Epitaxial Silicon-Germanium System
Received — Thank You Applied Materials
July 31, 2009

Thanks to Applied Materials for the major donation of an epitaxial silicon-germanium deposition system. Though complete installation will take several months, utility preparation is already underway.
Cleanroom Certification for Marvell NanoLab
June 1, 2009
The Marvell NanoLab passed the
particle count certification - with flying colors. Class
100 area certified with 0-12 particles > = 0.3 micrometer
diameter (avg ~ 5 particles). Class 1000 area certified
with 10-350 particles > = 0.3 micrometer diameter (avg ~
120 particles). With this final contractor requirement
complete, the Marvell Lab transition team can now modify
utility systems to enable equipment connections. It's
time to generate some dust in our new clean
Sutardja Dai Hall Fire Alarm System Approved
May 27, 2009
The campus Fire Marshall signed off
on the new building fire-alarm system and the building
went live at 5:24pm today. Because the fire-alarm panel
is now monitored by UC Police, the building can be opened
to the public and building occupancy can begin. Most
important for us, the Marvell Lab transition team can now
prepare the lab to receive
A. Richard Newton Bridge Dedicated
May 18, 2009

The suspended pedestrian bridge
between the new Sutardja Dai Hall and Cory Hall was
dedicated to the memory of former Dean A. Richard
Newton. The stairway below the bridge is once again open,
allowing access to campus between Cory and Sutardja Dai
Halls from the Hearst Street near
Photos and video of the bridge installation.
Marvell NanoLab in the News
May 5, 2009
Marvell Technology Group
Founder and Vice President
Weili Dai
held a publicity briefing at Sutardja-Dai Hall for
several news organizations today, with articles by
. We're not in the new lab yet - but we
are already in the news!
N2 Supply Project Completed for Cory,
Hearst Mining, and Marvell Lab
April 24, 2009
A new set of high-capacity liquid
nitrogen vaporizers were installed at Cory Hall this
month. These systems convert bulk liquid nitrogen (LN2)
to gaseous nitrogen (N2) for Cory Hall, the Hearst Mining
Building and the new Marvell NanoLab. The work was
completed without interrupting N2 service to the building
laboratories. This installation adds flexibility and
reliability to the N2 supply system and remediates a
long-standing issue with undersized vaporizer
First Tool Delivered to New Lab - Thank You LAM Research
April 24, 2009

The first tool for the Marvell
NanoLab was delivered today and accepted at the new
building shipping and receiving. The tool is a metal
plasma etcher donated
Lam Research Corporation . The complex delivery of
this large piece of equipment went without a
Sutardja Dai Hall and CITRIS Dedication
February 27, 2009

CITRIS Dedication story and pictures
CITRIS dedication speeches and ribbon cutting (You Tube videos)