1. General Information
1.1 (chp) Chemical Hygiene Plan
1.9 VLSI Etchants
1.20 Process Manual
1.30 Mercury Manual
2. Wet Chemical Processing
2.0 (sinkclass) Sink Class and Overview of Sink Information
2.01 Msink Summary Table
2.1 (msink1) Photoresist Strip & Pre-Furnace Metal Clean Sink
2.2 (msink2) Metal contaminated PR Strip Sink
2.3 (msink3) Manual Spin Coat & Develop Sink
2.4 (msink4) KOH and TMAH Silicon Etch
2.5 (msink5) Refractory Metal Processing Sink
2.6 (msink6) VLSI MOS Clean
2.7 (msink7) Acid/base batch processing
2.8 (msink8) Non-MOS Clean
2.12 (msink12) III-V Processing Sink
2.14 (msink14) Amatepi MOS Sink
2.16 (msink16) General Purpose Sink
2.18 (msink18) General Purpose Sink
2.19 (msink19) Electroplating Sink
2.21 (cpd) Tousimis 915B Critical-Point Dryer
3. Mask Making
3.4 (gcapg) GCA 3600 Pattern Generator
3.5 (aptemul) APT Emulsion Mask Process
3.6 (aptchrome) APT Chrome Mask Process
3.7 (maskcopy) Ultratech Mask Copier
4. Photolithography
4.0 (lithoclass) Lithography Class
Exposure Tools
4.1 (uvflood) Dymax 2000 UV Flood System
4.2 (ksaligner) Karl Suss MA6 Mask Aligner
4.3 (gcaws6) GCA8500 Wafer Stepper (6")
4.4 (mla150) Heidelberg MLA150 Maskless Aligner
4.5 (asml300) ASML DUV Stepper Model 5500/300
E-Beam Lithography
4.10 (eblclass) Electron Beam Lithography Class
4.11 (crestec) Crestec CABL-9510CC Electron Beam Lithography System
4.12 (crestec130kv) Crestec CABL-UH Series Electron Beam Lithography System
Photoresist Coat/Develop
4.21 (svgcoat3) SVG 8626 6" Lift -Off resist and BARC Coat Track
4.22 (svgcoat6) SVG 6" Spin Coater
4.23 (svgdev6) SVG 6" Developer
4.24 (picotrack1) Picotrack Coater System
4.25 (picotrack2) Picotrack Developer System
4.26 (headway1) Headway Manual Load Photoresist Spinner at msink3
4.27 (headway2) Headway Stand-Alone Manual Load Photoresist Spinner
4.31 (primeoven) HMDS vapor prime oven
4.32 (matrix) Matrix 106 Resist Removal System
4.34 (axcelis) Fusion M200PCU Photostabilizer System
4.35 (asap-liftoff) ASAP-Liftoff M6100
5. Thermal Processing
5.1 (tystar1) Tystar1 MOS Gate Oxidation Atmospheric
5.2 (tystar2) Tystar2 MOS Dry/Wet Oxidation & Anneal Atmospheric
5.3 (tystar3) Tystar3 NON-MOS Dry/Wet Oxidation & Anneal Atmospheric
5.4 (tystar4) Tystar4 Atmospheric Dry/Wet Oxidation (NON-MOS)
5.5 (tystar5) Tystar 200mm Wet/Dry Oxidation
5.6 (tystar6) Tystar 200mm N-Type Doping
5.7 (tystar7) Tystar 200mm P-Type Doping
5.10 (tystar10) Tystar10 MOS Clean Polycrystalline Silicon LPCVD
5.11 (tystar11) Tystar11 MOS Clean LTO LPCVD
5.12 (tystar12) Tystar12 Non-MOS Clean LTO LPCVD
5.14 (tystar14) Tystar14 MOS 200mm LPCVD Nitride and HTO
5.15 (tystar15) Tystar15 200mm Non-MOS Poly-Si LPCVD
5.16 (tystar16) Tystar16 Non-MOS 200mm LTO LPCVD
5.17 (tystar17) Tystar17 Non-MOS Low Stress Nitride & High Temp. Oxide LPCVD
5.18 (tystar18) Tystar18 MOS Clean Aluminum Sintering Atmospheric
5.19 (tystar19) Tystar19 MOS Clean Si-Ge LPCVD
5.20 (tystar20) Tystar20 Non-MOS Clean Si-Ge LPCVD
5.22 (vcselox) AET GaAs/AlGaAs Oxidation Furnace
Rapid Thermal Annealers
5.30 RTP Overview
5.31 (rtp1) AccuThermo AW610 RTP for III/V or PZT
5.32 (rtp2) AccuThermo AW610 RTP III/V -no metal
5.33 (rtp3) AccuThermo AW610 RTP Si Non-MOS
5.34 (rtp4) AccuThermo AW610 RTP Si MOS Clean
5.35 (rtp8) AccuThermo AW810 RTP Si MOS Clean
5.36 (vacoven) YES Vacuum Oven
5.37 (vacoven2) Small Vacuum Oven for Polymer Curing
5.38 (vacoven3) Small Vacuum Oven for Low Temperature Anneal
6. Thin Film Systems
Vacuum Class
6.00 (vacuumclass) Vacuum Basics Class
6.12 (aln2) Endeavor AT
6.13 (ast-sputter) Multi Target Co-Sputtering System
6.14 (mrc943) MRC Sputtering System for Superconducting Films
6.15 (mrc944) MRC Sputtering System with Sputter-Etch
6.17 (oxfordpvd1) Oxford Plasmalab System100 Sputter Chamber 1
6.19 (sem-coater) SEM Sample Preparation Sputterer
6.20 (semicore) Pro450 Multi-Target Co-Sputter with Load Lock
6.31 (evapclass) Evaporator Training Class
6.32 (ast-ebeam) AST Electron Beam Dielectric Deposition
6.33 (cha) CHA Solution E-Beam Evaporator
6.34 (ebeam1) Electron Beam 10 kW 6-pocket Evaporator
6.35 (nrc) NRC Evaporator
6.36 (ultek2) Ultek2 Angled Cooled Chuck E-Beam Evaporator
Atomic Layer Deposition
6.40 ALD Overview Chart
6.41 (cambridge) Cambridge ALD Deposition System
6.42 (picosun) Picosun Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
Chemical Vapor Deposition
6.51 (amatepi) Applied Materials Epi Si & Ge Deposition
6.53 (oxford2) Oxford Plasmalab 80plus PECVD System
6.54 (oxfordpecvd3) Oxford Plasmalab System 100 PECVD System
6.55 (oxfordpecvd4) Oxford Plasmalab System 100 PECVD System
6.56 (parylene) Parylene Deposition System 2010 Labcoater 2
6.57 (pqecr) Plasma Quest ECR PECVD System
6.58 (sp3) sp3 HFCVD Diamond Deposition Reactor
7. Etching Systems
7.1 (etchclass) Plasma Etch Training Class
Vapor Etch
7.11 (xetch) Xenon Difluoride Etching System
7.12 (primaxx) uEtch HF Vapor Release System
Plasma Etch
7.21 (technics-c) Technics C Plasma Etching System
7.22 (yes-g500) YES-G500 Plasma Cleaning System
7.23 (centura-stri) Centura Microwave Plasma Asher
Reactive Ion Etch
7.31 (ptherm) Plasma-Therm Parallel Plate Etcher
7.32 (matrix-etch) Matrix Silicon Oxide/Nitride Etcher
7.33 (semi) SEMI RIE System
7.35 (centura-mxp) MxP+ Etch Chamber B
7.36 (oxford-rie) Oxford RIE System
Inductively Coupled Plasma with Bias
7.41 (lam7) Lam7 Metal (Al) TCP Etcher
7.42 (lam8) Lam8 Poly-Si TCP Etcher
7.44 (sts-oxide) STS Advanced Planar Source Oxide Etch System
7.45 (centura-3-5) Compound Etch Chamber A
7.46 (centura-met) Metal Etch Chamber C
7.47 (oxford-icp) Oxford Plasmalab 100 ICP (Compound III-V)
Ion Mill
7.51 (ionmill6) Pi Scientific 6-inch Ion Beam Mill
8. Testing & Inspection Equipment
Electrical Measurements
8.2 (autoprobe) Electroglass Autoprobe in DCL
8.3 (cde-resmap) CDE ResMap Four Point Probe (automated mapper 2" -12")
8.4 (probe-eb8) Everbeing EB-8 Analytical Probe Station
8.5 (sca) Surface Charge Analyzer
8.10 (afmclass) Atomic Force Microscopy Class
8.11 (park-afm) Park Systems Atomic Force Microscope
8.12 (alphastep) KLA-Tencor Alpha-Step D-600 Profilometer
8.13 (dektak) Dektak 3030 Surface Profiler
8.14 (wyko) Wyko NT3300 Profiling System
Film Thickness and Index
8.20 (ellips) Gaetner Stokes Ellipsometer
8.21 (ellips2) Angstrom Sun Spectroscopic Ellipsometer
8.22 (metricon) Thin Film Thickness/Refractive Index Measurement System
8.24 (nanospec) NanoSpec Film Thickness Measurement System
8.25 (nanospec-cmp) Nanospec/AFT Thin Film Measurement System
8.26 (msp300) Angstrom Sun MSP300 Microspectrophotometer
Structure and Composition
8.31 (flexus) Flexus Thin Film Stress Measurement
8.32 (ftir) Fourier Transform IR Spectrometer
8.33 (raman-scope) BaySpec Raman Spectrometer
8.34 (uvvis) UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
8.35 (xdif) Siemens D5000 X-Ray Diffractometer
8.37 (wafergauge) E+H Wafer Geometry Gauge
Surface Properties
8.40 (kruss) Contact Angle Measurement System
8.41 (tensiometer) Tensiometer (KSV Sigma 701)
IR Microscopy and Imaging
8.50 (ircam) IR Inspection Camera
8.51 (irscope) IR Microscope
Optical Microscopy and Imaging
8.60 (keyence) Keyence VHX-500 Digital Microscope
8.61 (keyence7000) Keyence VHX-7000 Digital Microscope
8.62 (linewidth) Linewidth Measuring System
8.63 (linewidth2) Linewidth2 Zeiss Axioplan2 Measuring System
8.64 (olympus) Olympus LEXT OLS4000 3D Laser Confocal Microscope
8.65 (reichert) Reichert Microscope
8.66 Optical Microscopes
UV Microscopy and Imaging
8.70 (uvscope) Leica INM100 Microscope
E-Beam Microscopy and Imaging
8.80 (semclass) Scanning Electron Microscopy Class
8.81 (zeiss-sem) Zeiss Scanning Electron Microscope
8.82 (zeiss-sem2) Zeiss 200 mm Scanning Electron Microscope
8.83 (fei-sem) FEI Nova NanoSEM 650 Scanning Electron Microscope
9. Bonding & Packaging
9.1 (aml-bonder) AML AWB-08 Wafer Bonder
9.2 (finetech) Finetech Flipchip Bonder
9.3 (mesc) Eshylon Apache TTCS MESC Charging Station
9.4 (westbond) Westbond Wirebonder Model 7400B
9.5 (diebonder) Die Bonder
9.6 (disco) Disco DAD3240 Automatic Dicing Saw
9.7 (die-expander) Dynatex DXE-5 Die Expander
9.8 (picosaw) Wafering Saw PICO-155P
10. Planarization
10.1 (cmp) Strausbaugh CMP
10.2 (sinkcmp) CMP Wet Sink
10.3 (gnpcmp) GnP Poli 500 CMP