Step 20a Silicon etch on
implanted S/D wafers
Steps |
Notes |
Date |
Operator |
20a.1 |
Implanted S/D wafers only:
F# 1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 14. Si trench etch with
Applied Centura: Recipe: DPS_SI_ETCH Etch rate: 40-45A/sec for very short
etch time (~10sec) 50-57A/sec for short etch
time (~20sec)
* See notes below. |
03/12/04 |
Horvath |
20a.2 |
Photoresist removal and cleaning: - Matrix (2.5 min O2
plasma) - 10 min. NON-MOS piranha
clean in sink8 - 10 min. MOS piranha
clean in sink8 + 10 sec 10/1 HF dip |
03/12/04 |
Horvath |
20a.3 |
Measurements after the
etching and cleaning: a) ASIQ profilometer trench depth (measured depth /
calculated Si trench depth (measured -1800A, which was the pad nitride
b) Nanospec (program 116: Si on 1510Å oxide) remaining
Si thickness on large pattern areas:
Because of the etch
behavior, the remaining Si thickness on smaller (0.35-0.5um) pattern areas
are approx. 100-150A more than these measured values (~10% etch rate
difference). |
03/12/04 |
Horvath |
* Notes: F#1 was etched previously with an alternative recipe (without HBr) when the
HBr MFC was malfunctioning. This wafer was over etched, and not available for
further processing.