1. Berkeley CMOS Process Test Patterns, No. UCB/ERL M84/26
W. G. Oldham, A. R. Neureuther
March/June 1984
From EECS 290N,O
Volume 1: Analog Test Pattern
Yield Test Pattern
Shortloop Test Pattern
Volume 2: Process Test Pattern (E)
Process Drop-In Test Pattern (A)
Device Drop-In Test Pattern (B)
Device Test Pattern (F)
2. Berkeley CMOS Process, A User Guide, No. UCB/ERL M84/84
W. G. Oldham, A. R. Neureuther, Y. Sacham, and F. Dupois
October 1984
3. Characterization of the Boron+ Planar Dopant Source -
Moisture Enhanced Process, No. UCB/ERL M86/75
R. Alley, P. K. Ko, and K. Voros
September 1986
4. MOS Processes in the Microfabrication Laboratory,
No. UCB/ERL M87/12
Katalin Voros and Ping K. Ko
March 1987
5. An Object-Oriented Database Design for Integrated Circuit Fabrication.
No. UCB/ERL M87/43
Lawrence A. Rowe and Christopher B. Williams.
20 May 1987
6. Shop Floor Scheduling of Semiconductor Wafer Manufacturing,
Mauricio Resende, PhD Thesis, 1987
7. MOSTCAP - An MOS Transistor Characterization and Analysis Program,
Gary S. May, MS Report, December 1987.
8. Berkeley Fabrication Facility Monitoring System,
Amit Sharma, MS Report, April 1988
9. EECS 143 Processing and Design of Integrated Circuits
Laboratory Project, No. UCB/ERL M88/50
Ping K. Ko, Robin R. Rudell, Katalin Voros
August 1988
10. Tuning a Statistical Process Simulator to a Berkeley
CMOS Process, No. UCB/ERL M88/82
Paul M. Krueger
December 1988
11. FLIP: A Graphic User Interface For Management and Utilization
of Facilities, No. UCB/ERL M89/39
Alex C. West
April 1989
12. Evolution of the Microfabrication Facility at Berkeley,
No. UCB/ERL M89/109
Katalin Voros, Ping K. Ko
September 1989
13. A Tool For Collection of I-V Statistics Using HP 4062
Semiconductor Parametric Test System, No. UCB/ERL M90/7
Chia-Ray Ni
January 1990
14. Process-Flow Specification and Dynamic Run Modification for Semi-
conductor Manufacturing, No. UCB/ERL M91/40,
Christopher J. Hegarty
April 1991
15. FAULTS: An Equipment Maintenance And Repair Tracking System
Using a Relational Database, No. UCB/ERL M91/44
David. C. Mudie
May 1991
16. Electrical Testing of a CMOS Baseline Process, No. UCB/ERL M94/63
David Rodriguez
August 1994
17. BCIMS: The Berkeley Computer Integrated manufacturing System,
No. UCB/ERL M95/46
L. J. Massa-Lochridge
June 1995
18. CMOS Baseline Process In The UC Berkeley Microfabrication
Laboratory, No. UCB/ERL M95/98
Shenqing Fang
December 1995
19. Etching For Micromachining Processing, No. UCB/ERL M96/37
Kirt R. Williams, Richard S. Muller
June 1996
20. CMOS Baseline Process In The UC Berkeley Microfabrication
Laboratory Report II, No. UCB/ERL M0061
Laszlo Voros
December 2000
21. Six-Inch CMOS Baseline Process In The UC Berkeley
Microfabrication Laboratory, No. UCB/ERL M02/39
L. Voros and S. Parsa
December 2002
22. RUMS, Resource Utilization System, Memorandum No. UCB/ERL 03/43
T. Duncan, T.K. Chen, D. Pestal and T. Merport
November 2003
23. 0.35 um CMOS Process on Six-Inch Wafers, Baseline Report IV
No. UCB/ERL M05/15
A. Horvath, S. Parsa, H.Y. Wong
April 2005