Microlab CMOS Process
Version 8.1 (2005)
0.35 um, twin-well, 150 mm, double poly-Si, metal
(6" process)
CMOS run for n-channel and p-channel
transistor fabrication with advanced process
modules such as LDD and silicide. Mask set is
basically the same what was used
for the first 6-inch baseline process
(CMOS150) except the S/D and contact masks.
It enables to print 0.4 micron device,
the S/D masks were modified to implant the entire poly area.
0.0 Starting Wafers (10): 36-63 ohm-cm, p-type, <100>, 6"
1.0 Initial Oxidation: target = 25 (+/- 5%) nm
Include 2 dummies for PM
etch characterization.
1.1 TLC clean furnace tube
1.2 Standard clean wafers
in sink9 (MOS side):
10/1 HF dip until dewet,
1.3 Dry oxidation at 950 C
30 min. dry O2
20 min. dry N2
Measure oxide thickness Tox=
2.0 Zero Layer Photo
Standard DUV lithography process:
HMDS (program 1 on svgcoat6), coat
(program 2 on svgcoat6),
RPM=1480, UV210-0.6), soft bake (130 C
Expose (ASML, zero marks mask, 30 mJ/cm2),
PEB (program 1, 130 C on svgdev6) ,
Develop (program 1 on svgdev6).
Hard bake: UVBAKE (program J)
2.1 Etch zero layer into the substrate:
Etch oxide in lam2 SIO2MON recipe.
actual etch rate, adjust time.
Etch silicon in lam4
(target depth=1200 A,) recipe=6000, etch time 30 sec.
Note: Other option lam4
recipe 6200, SF6=25 sec, Cl2=30 sec
200 and 6000 merged together)
c) Scribe lot and wafer
number on each wafer, including controls.
photoresist in matrix.
Measure the depth of the alignment marks using asiq.
3.0 Pad Oxidation/Nitride Deposition:
target = 25 nm SiO2 + 180 nm Si3N4
3.1 TLC clean furnace tube
(tystar2). Reserve
3.2 Standard clean wafers
in sink9
(MEMS and MOS, dip into HF 25:1 until
Include NCH, PCH control wafers.
3.3 Dry oxidation at 1000
21 min. dry O2
15 minutes dry N2 anneal.
Measure the oxide
thickness on PCH and NCH.
3.4 Deposit 180 nm of
Si3N4 immediately (9SNITA):
approx. time = 55 min., temp.= 800 C.
nitride thickness. (nanospec).
4.0 N-Well Photo:
Standard DUV lithography process.
Mask: N-well (dark field)
oven bake (30 min., 120 C)
5.0 Nitride Etch:
Plasma etch
nitride in lam4. Recipe: 200
W Time:~85 sec. Overetch: no
Selectivity: Si3N4:PR=1:1
Measure Tox on each work wafer. (2 pnts measurement).
Do not remove PR. Inspect.
Measure PR thickness
covering active area.tpr >= 700nm
Hard bake again ( 2 hours, 120 C)
6.0 N-Well Implant: Include PCH.
split: wafers #1-5, PCH: phosphorus,
1E13/cm2, 150 KeV.
wafers #6-10:
phosphorus, 2E13/cm2, 150 KeV.
7.0 Nitride removal:
7.1. Remove PR in
Matrix. Clean wafers in sink9 MEMS piranha
7.2. Etch nitride in fresh 160 C phosphoric acid in sink7 (~4 hours)
7.3. Etch pad oxide in
5:1 BHF at sink7 until dewet. Include NCH, PCH.
8.0 Pad Oxidation/Nitride
Target = 25 nm SiO2 + 180
nm Si3N4
8.1 TLC clean furnace tube
(tystar2). Reserve
8.2 Standard clean wafers in sink9
(MEMS, MOS, 25:1 HF dip
until dewet). Include NCH, PCH.
8.3 Dry oxidation at 1000
21 min. dry O2
15 minutes dry N2 anneal.
Measure the oxide
thickness on NCH and PCH.
8.4 Deposit 180 nm of
Si3N4 immediately (9SNITA):
Approx. time = 55 min.,
temp = 800 C.
9.0 P-Well Photo:
Standard DUV lithography process. Mask: PWELL (inverse
Oven bake (30 min., 120 C)
10.0 Nitride Etch:
Plasma etch
nitride in lam4. Recipe: 200
Power: 125 W Time:~85
sec. Overetch:
Selectivity: Si3N4:PR=1:1
Measure Tox on each work wafer. (2 pnts measurement).
Do not remove PR. Inspect.
Measure PR thickness
covering active area.tpr >= 700nm
Hard bake again ( 2 hours, 120 C)
11.0 P-Well implant:
Boron, 5E12, 60KeV
Include NCH.
12.0 Nitride removal:
12.1. Remove PR in
Matrix. Clean wafers in sink9 MEMS piranha
12.2. Etch nitride in fresh 160 C phosphoric acid in sink7 (~4 hours)
12.3. Etch pad oxide in
5:1 BHF at sink7 until dewet. Include NCH, PCH.
13.0 Well Drive-In:
13.1 TLC clean furnace
tube (tystar2).
13.2 Standard clean wafers
in sink9 (MEMS and MOS).
NCH, PCH control wafers.
13.3 Well drive in at 1100
min. temperature ramp from 750 C to 1100 C
150 min. dry O2
min. N2
Measure oxide thickness on two wafers.
13.4 Strip oxide in 5:1
BHF until dewet.
Measure Rs on PCH, NCH
Pad Oxidation/Nitride Deposition:
Target = 25 nm SiO2 + 180
nm Si3N4
14.1 TLC clean furnace
tube (tystar2). Reserve tystar9.
14.2 Standard clean wafers
in sink9 (MEMS, MOS, 25:1 dip
until dewet.) Include NCH, PCH + 2 dummies.
14.3 Dry oxidation at 1000
21 min. dry O2
15 minutes dry N2 anneal.
Measure the oxide thickness
on NCH.
14.4 Deposit 180 nm of
Si3N4 immediately (9SNITA):
Approx. time = 55 min.,
temp = 800 C.
Only include PCH.
nitride thickness on PCH.
15.0 Active Area Photo:
Std. DUV
litho process. Mask
bake 120C, 2 hrs.
16.0 Nitride Etch:
Plasma etch
nitride in lam4. Recipe: 200
Power: 125 W Time:~90
sec. Overetch:
Measure Tox on each work wafer (2 points measurement).
17.0 P-Well Field Implant Photo
Std. DUV process. Mask PFIELD (inverse of NWELL+ACT)
bake 120 C, 2hrs.
18.0 P-Well Field Ion Implant
Boron, 2E13,
Locos Oxidation: target = 550 nm
19.1 TLC clean furnace
tube (tystar2).
19.2 Remove PR in O2 plasma
Standard clean wafers in sink8 MEMS &
sink6 MOS piranha,
25:1 HF dip for 5-10 sec.)
Include NCH, PCH.
19.3 Wet oxidation at 1000
2 hrs. wet O2
min. N2 anneal
Measure Tox on 3 work wafers and NCH, PCH.
20.0 Nitride Removal, Pad Oxide Removal.
Include PCH (NCH: no
nitride, but LOCOS).
Dip in 10:1
HF for 60 sec to remove thin oxide on top of Si3N4.
Etch nitride
off in phosphoric acid at 160 C. (sink7) ~3-4 hrs.
Measure pad
oxide thickness to verify successful nitride etch.
Etch pad
oxide in 5:1 BHF until PCH control wafer dewet.
from NCH in 5:1 BHF until dewet.
21.0 Sacrificial oxidation. (Target
= 250A)
21.1 TLC clean furnace tube (tystar2).
21.2 Standard clean wafers
in sink8 MEMS & sink6 MOS piranha,
25:1 HF dip for 5-10 sec)
Include NCH, PCH.
Dry oxidation at 900 C (2DRYOXA):
40 min. dry O2
no N2 anneal (set to 1 sec)
Measure the oxide
thickness on NCH.
Screen oxidation. Include NCH, PCH
22.1 TLC clean furnace
tube (tystar2).
22.2 Standard clean wafers
sink6 MOS piranha, dip in 25:1 HF until
NCH, PCH dewet to remove sacr. oxide on active area
(Keep in mind you have LOCOS !)
22.3 Sacrificial Oxide:
target = 25 (+/- 2) nm
Dry oxidation at 900 C
minutes dry O2
minutes N2 anneal
Measure Tox on PCH.
23.0 NMOS Vt
implant photo
Std. DUV
litho. Mask PWELL. UVBAKE (pr. J)
24.0 NMOS Vt
BF2, 6E12, 50KeV, W# 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
25.0 PMOS Vt
implant photo
Remove PR in
matrix, sink8 MEMS piranha clean
Std. DUV
litho. Mask NWELL. UVBAKE (pr. J)
PMOS Vt implant: split: phosphorus, 30 KeV, 2E12/cm2, w#1-5, PCH
phosphorus, 30KeV, 1E12/cm2, w#6-10.
27.0 Gate Oxidation/Poly-Si Deposition:
Target = 8 nm SiO2 + 250
nm undoped poly-Si
27.1 TLC clean furnace
tube (tystar1).
Reserve poly-Si deposition tube
27.2 Remove PR in Matrix.
Standard clean wafers sink8 MEMS, sink6 MOS
25:1 HF dip until dewet on PCH, NCH
approx. 2-3 min.
Include Tox (prime P<100>), Tpoly1, Tpoly2 monitoring wafers.
27.3 Dry oxidation in
Tystar1 recipe 1THIN-OX
30 min. dry O2 @ 850C
30 min. N2 anneal @ 900 C
Include PCH, NCH, Tox, Tpoly1, Tpoly2 and 3 test dummies.
Note: ALMACK step 25 in
furnace process unless the
pre-oxidation furnace temp. is
27.4 Immediately after
oxidation deposit 250 nm of undoped
poly-Si (10suplya).
approx. dep. rate= 85
A/min., temp.=
610 C
(Check previous run
Include Tpoly1, Tpoly2 and
the 3 test dummies.
27.5 Measurements
a) Measure oxide thickness on Tox. (Rudolph and Sopra
b) Measure Dit and Qox on Tox. (SCA)
c) Measure poly thickness
on Tpoly1. (Nanoduv)
d) Stip
oxide from NCH, PCH, measure the sheet resisitance.
28.0 Gate Definition:
Standard DUV lithography process.
Mask POLY, Use ARC-600,
29.0 Plasma etch poly-Si
29.1 Etch poly in Lam5.
Recipe: 5003 with modified over etch step:
Pwr:250 W top,
125W bottom; 200sccm HBr, 5sccm O2,
0sccm He. Selectivity ~60:1
poly to oxide.
Apply ~50% over etch after endpoint in
main etch.
29.2 Remove PR (matrix),
clean wafers in MEMS piranha.
Measure channel length with CDSEM.
30.0 P-type LDD implant photo
Std. DUV lithography. Mask modified P+S/D. UVBAKE pr. J
31.0 P-type LDD implant. Include PCH,
BF2, 5e13, 10KeV +7 deg.
tilt @ 0 orientation
BF2, 5e13, 10KeV -7 deg.
tilt @ 180 orientation
32.0 N-type LDD implant photo
PR in Matrix. Clean wafers in sink8 MEMS piranha.
DUV litho. Mask modified N+S/D. UVBAKE pr. J
33.0 N-type LDD implant. Include NCH,
As, 5e13, 30KeV +7 deg.
tilt @ 0 orientation
As, 5e13, 30KeV -7 deg.
tilt @ 180 orientation
34.0 LDD Spacer deposition (spacer width
target= 3000 A)
34.1 Remove PR in matrix.
Standard clean wafers (sink8 MEMS, sink6
Include 3 dummies.
Reserve and TLC clean
34.2 TEOS deposition in P-5000
target=4000-4500 A
Check dep. rate (~ 80
34.3 TEOS annealing 900 C,
30 min. (2HIN2ANA)
34.4 Measure TEOS
thickness on active area.
35.0 LDD Spacer Formation
35.1 Plasma etch TEOS in Applied-Centura
Verify actual etch rate (~3000
Manual endpoint when
signal drops
35.2 Measure spacer with
36.0 P+ Gate & S/D Photo:
Standard DUV
Lithography process.
Mask 2nd modified P+ S/D,
37.0 P+ Gate & S/D
Implant. Include
PCH, Tpoly1.
B11, 20 keV, 3E15/cm2
38.0 N+ Gate & S/D
38.1 Remove PR in Matrix. Std. Clean wafers in sink8 MEMS
38.2 Standard DUV
Lithography process.
Mask 2nd modified N+ S/D, UVBAKE (“J”)
39.0 N+ Gate & S/D
Implant. Include NCH
and Tpoly2.
Phosphorus, 40 KeV, 3E15/cm2
40.0 Back Side Etch:
40.2 a) Coat wafers front side, UVBAKE
b) Dip off native oxide in
5:1 BHF in sink8
c) Etch poly-Si in lam5, recipe 5003, no over etch
Etch to endpoint plus 10 sec.
d) Final dip in 5:1 BHF
until dewet (~1min)
Incl. NCH, PCH, TPoly1, Tpoly2 to remove
native oxide (~20 sec)
41.0 Gate & S/D
annealing. Include all test wafers.
41.1 Remove PR in matrix.
41.2 Standard clean wafers
in sink8 MEMS and sink6 MOS, no dip
41.3 RTA in Heatpulse3, recipe
900 C, 10 sec., 1050 C, 5
sec in N2
41.4 Check Rs on test wafers: for gate < 250 ohm/sq, for S/D
42.0 Silicide
42.1 Sputter etch in Novellus (ETCHSTD 1 min) or 25:1 HF dip 30 sec
42.2 Sputter 300 Ti in Novellus (Ti300STD). Measure Rs.
42.3 RTA 650 C, 15 sec in
N2. Recipe 650RTA6.RCP
42.4 Etch excess Ti/TiN in piranha (120 C, 45 min.) in Sink7.
Measure contact resistance.
43.0 PSG deposition and
densification: target 700 nm
43.1 Clean wafers in sink6
MEMS & sink8 MOS side, NO HF dip!
Include PCH
and PSG control wafers.
Deposit 700 nm PSG in tystar11 (11SDLTOA)
Deposition time is approx.: 53 min., 450
43.3 Backside etch PSG.
- Coat wafers and
- Dip into 5:1 BHF until backside dewet
- Matrix PR removal
- Sink8 MEMS & Sink6
MOS piranha clean
43.4 Densify
PSG in RTA (heatpulse3). Recipe 900RTA.RCP
C, 10 sec, (450 C, 30 sec pre-heat step), silicide chamber.
43.4 Measure PSG thickness
on PSG control wafer. Etch (wet) oxide on
PCH and
measure RS.
Contact Photo:
Standard DUV lithography process. Use ARC-600.
modified CONT mask.
Over-expose contact (30-40 mJ/cm2)
Second PM mark should be exposed, before developing
bake (60 min., 120
45.0 Contact plasma etch
in Applied Centura.
overetch: 15 sec after
endpoint signal drops
R with manual probe on Poly and S/D area on each wafer.
R~10-100Ohm Check contact
holes structure.
Metallization: target= 600 nm Al
46.1 Remove PR in O2
plasma (Matrix).
46.2 Standard clean wafers
in sink8 MEMS no dip, sink6 MOS piranha
Either 25:1/100:1 HF dip 60 sec or Novellus sputter etch to remove native oxide
46.3 Sputter Al/2%Si in Novellus:
Measure Rs
47.0 Metal1 Photo:
DUV litho. process, ARC-600.
48.0 Plasma etch
metal1 in lam3.
recipe: approx. time: 1min 25 sec, overetch= 50 %
Check R on Fieldox.
49.0 Sintering
49.1 Remove PR in matrix. Rinse
& spin dry at sink8.
49.2 Sinter in Tystar18 H2SINT4A.018
recipe 20 min @ 400 C